by K Fletcher


Yessiree, the 26th makes 6 months on my mission. It's kind of a little bit crazy. I have less than a year left on my mission. It's a strange thought. But then I look at how long this week was and I realize I have a long way to go! 

This week we received a call from our Stake President and former Branch president. He and his wife had just left the Pinedas house and, after having a really long and good talk with them, told us that they are ready to be baptized. Again. So they have a new date of the 6th of June! It will be a whirlwind, but we are fully confident that they will be able to make that covenant and in just over one year's time enter the House of the Lord and be sealed for time and all eternity.

Speaking of sealings, the Ramirez, one of the most lovely families I know, was sealed this last Saturday. All I wanted was to be there. I am so happy for them. That is what this gospel is all about. Enduring to the end to be sealed in the temple to your family and to the family of God for eternity. What a miraculous gospel!

Another note from the Ramirez: it was their daughter's birthday this week so Hermana Nyre and I decorated their whole front porch and left a little party for them. 
the porch!
Well, we've been having a lot of difficulty with our investigator pool. Everyone seems to be dropping us or they aren't progressing, and do you know what that means? Contacting. But for some reason people don't want to listen to a perfect message about hope and love and the way to perfect yourself and receive direct revelation from God and from his chosen prophets. But finally this week, we found someone willing to listen: 
empty trailer space
I'll end today with an amusing story that has caused me to laugh a lot this week:
So I'm at the house of the Ramirez, teaching Eduardo. Hermano Ramirez comes out and he has a really nice, short, military-style hair cut. I, of course, compliment him on it and then look at Eduardo, who is appearing kind of shaggy and tell him he should cut his hair. Fast forward a week and a half. We are at another lesson with him. He is wearing a hat. He asks me if I remember how I told him he should cut his hair. Well... he did. Into a mohawk. I can't even take him seriously. 25 years old and rocking a mohawk. Picture included for effect.
I love you all so much and hope you are doing great things. Lift where you stand. Every calling has infinite worth in this church. You can change a life.

Con Amor,
Hermana Fletcher

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