by K Fletcher

Christmas in pictures

Us decorating the Jackson's tree
The gift we gave to the elders and sisters serving on our ward with us,
The mission Christmas conference where we watched The Muppets: A Christmas Carol, ate an incredible lunch, and then had an hour long musical fireside where I sang Mary's Lullaby as a solo, and all the missionaries in our ward sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as the final song.
#FerreroRocher, Thank you!
All the missionaries wrapping a miracle. Several people had called the different missionaries up and asked for help with Christmas. Well, we don't have resources! But then a member of the ward calls us up and says, "Someone has just donated 3 huge boxes of toys. Could you find a home for them? YES. YES WE CAN. So we did all the wrapping and got them all out!
Then we had our little Christmas for the Ninos. When we first got there there had just been a big fight and Hermana Limb wanted to drop the presents off and leave but my thoughts was NO. I AM GOING TO GIVE THIS FAMILY CHRISTMAS. So we talked with them all, and gathered those that would come and sang Christmas songs, said a prayer, read out of Luke and opened the gifts with the spirit in their home. It was lovely.
Then on Nochebuena we went to Nancy and Huber's home and had a grand old time playing games, eating tamales and Pachuli (spelling?) and opening gifts. We got them a big picture of Christ and the Raleigh temple, and recieved from them nail polish and high heels. We feel so fancy now! And I got a rare picture of the smiling Huber :D
Then Christmas morning we joined the sisters, had a pancake breakfast and a mission wide conference call, and opened all of our presents! It was so much fun and the crowning gift from the sisters was a WHITEBOARD. Whiteboards are gold in missionary apartments, and we haven't had one since moving here. I got chocolate, gift cards, jewelry, scarves, cookies, puzzles, card games, and so so much more. It was an incredible Christmas.
This has been one of the best Christmas' of my life. Hermana Limb kept commenting that it was because it was all centered on Christ and service and no commercialism. We kept on saying, "I'm never buying a present for my child!" Commercialism really is the devils play place during Christmas time. I look forward to applying what I've learned this Christmas to the rest of my life. Money doesn't matter, the amount of presents doesn't matter, as long as you have the spirit and remembrance of Christ.
Con Amor, 
Hermana Fletcher

PS- Christmas Dinosaur. 
Love you!

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