by K Fletcher

Christmas in pictures

Us decorating the Jackson's tree
The gift we gave to the elders and sisters serving on our ward with us,
The mission Christmas conference where we watched The Muppets: A Christmas Carol, ate an incredible lunch, and then had an hour long musical fireside where I sang Mary's Lullaby as a solo, and all the missionaries in our ward sang O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as the final song.
#FerreroRocher, Thank you!
All the missionaries wrapping a miracle. Several people had called the different missionaries up and asked for help with Christmas. Well, we don't have resources! But then a member of the ward calls us up and says, "Someone has just donated 3 huge boxes of toys. Could you find a home for them? YES. YES WE CAN. So we did all the wrapping and got them all out!
Then we had our little Christmas for the Ninos. When we first got there there had just been a big fight and Hermana Limb wanted to drop the presents off and leave but my thoughts was NO. I AM GOING TO GIVE THIS FAMILY CHRISTMAS. So we talked with them all, and gathered those that would come and sang Christmas songs, said a prayer, read out of Luke and opened the gifts with the spirit in their home. It was lovely.
Then on Nochebuena we went to Nancy and Huber's home and had a grand old time playing games, eating tamales and Pachuli (spelling?) and opening gifts. We got them a big picture of Christ and the Raleigh temple, and recieved from them nail polish and high heels. We feel so fancy now! And I got a rare picture of the smiling Huber :D
Then Christmas morning we joined the sisters, had a pancake breakfast and a mission wide conference call, and opened all of our presents! It was so much fun and the crowning gift from the sisters was a WHITEBOARD. Whiteboards are gold in missionary apartments, and we haven't had one since moving here. I got chocolate, gift cards, jewelry, scarves, cookies, puzzles, card games, and so so much more. It was an incredible Christmas.
This has been one of the best Christmas' of my life. Hermana Limb kept commenting that it was because it was all centered on Christ and service and no commercialism. We kept on saying, "I'm never buying a present for my child!" Commercialism really is the devils play place during Christmas time. I look forward to applying what I've learned this Christmas to the rest of my life. Money doesn't matter, the amount of presents doesn't matter, as long as you have the spirit and remembrance of Christ.
Con Amor, 
Hermana Fletcher

PS- Christmas Dinosaur. 
Love you!
by K Fletcher


First a whole bunch of pictures, then a whole bunch of spirituality :
Singing at an old folks home
another picture of me and Hermana Limb
Preparing for one of our many musical numbers this season
Incredible dinner at the Cisneros
Delivering one of the many stockings sent to us from Hermana Limb's mom
An INCREDIBLE Christmas package from Nanny! Thank you so so much! You have no idea how much I used that spatula this week! There wasn't a thing in their that I didn't LOVE.
And a few District Pictures with our hats from Elder Holland's mom. Thanks!

Top row: Elder Burns, Elder Haddock, Hermana Fletcher, Sister Brakey, Hermana Limb, Sister Everett
Bottom row: Elder Holland, Elder Hintze, Hermana Johnson, Sister Brewer
Now let's all pause. I want to share something very personal and very powerful. 
a transfer or so ago, I had an incredible moment on my mission. After struggling for 10 months on my mission (and many more before that) with depression and hate and incredibly low self worth, with the help of the Spirit, a good counselor and prescribed medication I was able to overcome. Now I feel like the last half of my mission (and the rest of my life) is for helping people. I have partaken of so much grace. Now I have enough light to give back. I'd encourage all of you to read the conference talk "Choose the Light" and remember that it is okay if you need help. Ask for it. I have such an incredible relationship with those in my life because I asked for help. Several times actually. 

I've come to realize that sometimes we won't feel like we have light. But we know who to look to to find it, we know we can always choose the light, no matter who we are, or where we are. There will be light to guide us. When we have light, we are expected to share it - to be a light to the world!

It's not always easy and sometimes we feel a little dim, but when we share our light it grows. 

And the source of all that light is Jesus Christ. That is the reason we celebrate. Because in a little town thousands of years ago, a baby was born. and because of that being, death has no sting, the grave has no victory, and every pain and mistake and dismay can be washed away. 

The sign given to the people in ancient America was that of a day and a night and a day that was like one day. And so, when the light of the world came into the world, the whole world was light.

"Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." -3 Nephi 12:16

God bless. Let grace abound.
Con Amor,
Hermana Fletcher

by K Fletcher


This last week we had the great pleasure of bringing Christmas to town! We've been visiting the house of one of our investigator's a lot lately, and we saw that they didn't have any Christmas decorations. So what do we do? We take a few hours from our Preparation Day, listen to Christmas music, make brownies, put up a tree, draw and cut out paper, and bring some festive cheer! 
By the way, I was incredibly proud of the nativity. Free hand, first draft in pen. I enjoy this ability that my Heavenly Father gave me!
And then I promised my family more pictures of me and my companion, so here we are in some of our weird moments:
And our Christmas project is coming along well. We made 26 cards to give to people, some with a plate of cookies, others with just a heartwarming note, and others with acts of service. 
I can see clearly just how good of friendships I have made here. I absolutely love this ward and this area. My heart is dreading the 17th of January because that is the next time for transfer calls and once again we don't know what is happening. But for now it is Christmas. Let's just forget about that and live in the joy of the moment.

Because what joy there is! It's amazing how many people we talk to about Christmas, and show them the video, 'A Savior is Born' and they say to us, "Thank you. I've never thought about Christmas that way."

I want each of you to redefine your definition of Christmas. What has it meant to you in the past? What have been your best Christmas's? What should Christmas mean to you? 

Make it all about Him. 
I'm sure planning on it. 
I pray that you are all doing well. Let the joy of the gospel sink into your bones. Sit down. Kneel down. Thank your Heavenly Father. In all the world over, he is the greatest Giver.

Con Amor,
Hemana Fletcher
    by K Fletcher

    Dream on!

    The great announcement! The Dream Team moves onward! We received transfer assignments and Hermana Limb and I will both be staying in Goldsboro! For those that are counting that will be 7.5 months that we will be together, 24/7. That is 5,400 hours with one person. Hoo-rah! 

    We had a bit of a slow week. It's like everyone is taking a deep breath before plunging into the Christmas season. In upcoming posts look forward to excitement and holiday cheer!

    A brief rundown of this week:
    FIRST we had a momentous occasion and Hermana Limb got her ears pierced!
    Me considering the modern art of trailer parks
    Our Christmas wall! If any of you are wondering, yes I can still be creative. I made the tree and the fireplace and the countdown. Hermana Limb did the chain, and the lights are courtesy of my dear Hermana Phillipy.
    These are burning hot chilis that I ate when a I was told that they weren't hot. I cried. They were hot.
    We also dropped by our bishop's house to do some service. Well, we were going to muck out the goat pen but then we hear a gunshot and a phone call. Bishop had shot a dear and needed help carrying it back. Missionaries to the rescue!
    and then we mucked out the goat pen
    and here I am SOOO excited for new boots from Nancy. You know me and gifts, and you know me and boots. I was so excited and she was laughing at me. Whatever. I love them :)
    I also received a beautiful package from my lovely sister Jade and now have an abundance of stationary, scarves, and chocolate. A perfect combination :D
    I just want to let you all know that we are so excited for christmas. I know my family is opposed to it, but I kind of don't even want to call them because it takes time away from service. But I will anyway. Because I love them :) We have so many plans to be "God's elves"

    I want to invite each one of you to go to and watch the videos there. Ponder on them. Let them sink into your soul. and recognize why we celebrate Christmas, then go share it with everyone you can. Be God's elves.

    Con Amor, 
    Hermana Fletcher

    PS- Brother Kelly, I got your letter and I wouldn't be opposed to that. Sorry I can't respond to you. Go and fulfill your calling. ;D