by K Fletcher

Pictures, pictures and more pictures

This week is going to be picture heavy and word light, but first a story and a shout-out to the power of member example!

We were tracting an area and following up on potential investigators when we run into two boys. Of course, we go and talk to them and one of them, after hearing the name of our church asks if we know a certain girl. Well, she's the daughter of the Bishop. Yes, we know her. He mentions how she just moved to Hawaii for college and how he really misses her (At this point I can tell he likes her). We talk a little more and we find out that he has even come to church once! and then he comes out and tells us he really does like her, but he thought the reason they didn't date was because he wasn't Mormon. He told us that he didn't want to join a church just because he liked a girl. But then we find out he is open and would love to learn more about Joseph Smith!

That entire conversation never would have taken place if not for this lovely girl's righteous influence in the life of her friend. Quote, "Preach the Gospel at all times and if needed, us words". You are the example. Each one of you.

And now a photo essay in the life of Hermana Kelene Amethyst Fletcher:
One day were were out in the blisteringly humid heat of day for about 4 hours, just walking and tracting and trying to find people. The heat does some things to your brain.
Here I am trying to get one more person to read the Book of Mormon (I didn't think he wood branch out, but he stumped me!):
and then were may have tracted into an active member that we didn't know lived there, and she pointed out a GIANT weed in her yard to her husband while we were talking. We told her we would pull it out and she told us not to worry about it. We worried about it. and we triumphed:
We visited the lovely Buchanan Family and taught them about the Book of Mormon and how we can better apply it in our lives. They then proceeded to feed us dessert #Thisisthesouth:
This is a lovely gift from my parents. I think it fits well:
Also, every week we teach English Class at the business of our Ward Mission Leader. This is what he builds for a living. Yep. Yachts. 
And of course we have our super exciting District meeting every week! We have Elders Sittoway, Richins, Alplanalp, Wardell, and Sisters Evans, Barker, Limb, and Fletcher.
This is one of the biggest struggles of the Outer Banks in the Summer: TRAFFIC. Apparently there are about 1.5 million visitors to the outer banks every week. And so a distance that normally takes 45 minutes took us 2.5 hours. Good times.
One of the biggest struggles we have in this Branch is that we can't always find a third woman to accomany us to lessons with male hispanics. So sometimes we have to cancel appointments with people that we shouldn't have to. But then we just make gift baskets for them, with ties and bubbles and church videos and pictures of the temple and Jesus Christ!:
Also, I'm almost a senior missionary! Only one more month and I hit my hump day! My companion was nice and put together this sweet little display to celebrate my 'birthday'.
speaking of gifts, the 27th was a Sister's P-day in President and sister Baker's home and we were told to bring a white elephant gift. This was my STUPENDOUS wrapping job. Top that, Curtis. (hint: it's an ancient car seat we had in our basement for some reason).
And that is my life. Transfers are in 2 weeks and the entire mission is coming together for it because apparently there are close to 50 missionaries coming in and it is going to be a mission-wide training and then transfer. Who knows what will happen!

This is the work of the Lord. And I hope you all appreciate the great blessings we have every single day because of this knowledge. Live it. Share it. Love it.

Con Amor,
Hermana Fletcher

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